Letter of Support: Closing the Coverage Gap for Alabamians
Inspired by the American Heart Association, this letter has been shared here to reach Alabamians far and wide. Please share with organizations and individuals in Alabama that believe that every Alabamian should have access to healthcare. If inclined to support the work of the American Heart Association, please give on their website: https://www.heart.org/en/get-involved/ways-to-give
Letter of Support: Closing the Coverage Gap for Alabamians
Nearly 223,000 Alabamians are caught in the coverage gap, unable to afford health insurance, forced to face each day without the stability of health insurance. Another 120,000 or more are stretching to pay for private or employer-based coverage. Medicaid expansion would help more than 340,000 Alabamians get health coverage, stabilize our rural hospitals, and jump-start our economy - all for a dime on the dollar.
Medicaid expansion will make our families healthier and our economy stronger. It delivers affordable healthcare for those working hard at jobs that don't offer insurance and brings our tax dollars back home to Alabama to create jobs, keep rural hospitals open and grow our economy.
I urge lawmakers to join the 38 other states to expand Medicaid to help Alabamians get the healthcare they need, and to bring $6.7 billion of our tax dollars home from Washington."
Please sign this letter in support of providing health care for every Alabamian. Once signed, please share with your network.
*This petition only requests signatures - no donations. If donating, please do so at the link above.