Get Charter Service in our area!

I live in Valhermoso Springs, in the Talucah area. Charter actually has lines in my area but refuse to connect the people on the road of Cabbage Patch. Other roads in our area like Chatman Hill has lines on both ends but they refuse to connect on side of the road. They go down Talucah Rd but stop a the Chatman Hill intersection there. We need people to sign this petition to get then to run their lines to connect the citizens of Talucah! Roads like Stewart, Louis Bluff, Slaughter, Kudzo, Mt. Mariah Cir, Sharpsford, and Sutton. Please share and help the people in this area. I have been working with Charter trying to resolve the issue on Cabbage Patch but as the Fire chief for this area I am fighting for my community. Will you help in our fight!