Janiece Myers 0

Get a Permanent licence for Beat FM Liverpool

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BEAT FM is a participatory 24/7 Urban Music & Culture Radio Station that has run during Black History Month 2013, broadcasting on 87.7FM citywide. The station based in L8 is run by, and for, young people from across Liverpool aged 14-25.

BEAT FM is a partner project between Everton Free School and Merseyside Black History Month Group, who noticed the disproportionate opportunities for young people in terms of media training, especially those interested, knowledgeable and skilled within Urban Music and Culture. The project appointed Yaw Owusu, fresh of his success as Music Curator of Liverpool International Music Festival, as Creative Director for BEAT FM.


So far BEAT FM’s schedule has boasted shows by multi-platinum selling US rapper Eve, the UK’s no1 R&B DJ Ronnie Herel, Olympic Boxer Natasha Jonas, professional football players Ross Barkley, John Stones and Neil Danns, BBC Radio’s Ace, chart topping producer DaWood, DMC DJ champion DJ Olabean, hotly tipped local DJ and producer Ghostchant as well as local culture stalwarts Africa Oye and Mellowtone. The station has also had appearance by Grammy winning artist Shaggy. The schedule also includes a number of weekly shows that are produced and presented by young people from across Liverpool.


The young people, who were recruited by Everton Free School, underwent a variety of sessions, via Punch Records, led by ex-BBC Executive Ray Paul (the playmaker group) and featuring presenters and Senior Production Staff from BBC Radio 1, BBC Radio 1Xtra and Choice FM. The core group will be presenting and producing shows that will be an integral part of the weekly schedule, including the breakfast and drivetime daily shows.


BEAT FM's RSL license is end on 28th October.

For more information on BEAT FM:   




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