Brea Gillom 0

Gender Pay Equality

181 signers. Add your name now!
Brea Gillom 0 Comments
181 signers. Almost there! Add your voice!
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Adam B. signed just now

This petition is about getting equal pay for women of minority and women in general. Females in America of every ethnicity are paid far less than males. Did you know that Women in the U.S who work fulltime jobs , yearly are compensated only 80 cents for every dollar paid to Males in the U.S females of ethinicity , the pay gap has become even bigger than before . It's over past due to close this gap. There was an equal pay act established over 50 plus years ago ensuring the equal pay of all women, but I honestly believe its about time the federal government should take a new step towards changing this act and applying it in todays day and time. Because women can still go to school and get degrees and still won't be paid on the salary that they are suppose to be paid on, which is not fair .My main goal and focus is to get my point across about how women of color or women in general are paid far less than the male counterpart , its 2017 and women are still getting unfair treatment and that is unjust.

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