Medical Treatment For Aldeena aka (Pallidsoulperson)
A few weeks ago we had devastating news that a dear freind of ours had been involved in a terrible car accident. She is in the K A General Hospital in Kaula Lumpur where Drs have recently informed her family and freinds that their is little more they can do for her, however her parents have sort for a further opinion from another specialist whom states that he may be able to imrpove her condition which will allow her to recive a major operation. This petition is written becuase the hospital she is currently at has so much red tape to get through to allow this new Dr too take over Adleena.s condition is getting worse. WE URGE and Plead you too support us in signing this petition as quickly as possible so that it can be forwarded to the necessary bodies so that Adleena can have the right and chance to better treatment. ON BEHALF OF ADLEENA HER FAMILY AND FREINDS AND EVERYONE AT GEMINI SOUNDS RADIO WE THANK YOU IN ADVANCE REGARDS DAVE COLLINS AND GEMINI SOUNDS RADIO STAFF.