Glastonbury Citizens Want Their Opinion to Count
Kathleen Lorraine 0

Glastonbury Citizens Want Their Opinion to Count

400 signers. Add your name now!
Kathleen Lorraine 0 Comments
400 signers. Almost there! Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

The Board of Education has made the decision to discontinue 5th grade participation in Natures Classroom, a science-based program we have attended for over 25 years. It has decided to use the Discovery Center, a provider which primarily focuses on diversity, to replace Natures Classroom, as our overnight education experience. The Discovery Center program will also be held jointly with urban sister schools. The impact of the BOEs decision goes beyond curriculum and education. It directly affects the safety & well-being of our children. With no past track record to alleviate the parents concerns over the safety of the overnight sleeping arrangement (20 kids per room with two adult supervisors), BOE is asking parents to trust their judgment and promises to pull the program if something goes wrong. After the first year of attendence, parents will no longer be allowed to participate or overnight chaperone. We strongly oppose to the BOE making such an important decision without consulting with parents & community. We are asking the BOE to reconsider its decision to participate in the Discovery Center & to open the decision process to include input from parents, teachers & the community.


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