GBNT Special Meeting Petition
The signers of this petition will be tallied to achieve the 303 (25%) signatures required to call for a Special Meeting. The purpose of this meeting is to discuss and vote on the removal of the below Directors of Gold Bar Nature Trails for good cause. This vote is *not* your vote for/against the removal, it is only to hold the special meeting. Once 303 memberships (not individual people) have been achieved, the board of directors will be notified and the special meeting will be arranged, not less than 10 days from date of notification per the bylaws. Given the current global viral crisis, this date will likely be coordinated several weeks in advance to ensure the safety of all members.
When signing the petition, please note *all* of your lot numbers. Your vote is very important to the well-being of our beloved park. (Ignore any 'donation' pop-ups, after you submit you can close the window.)
Reasons for the special meeting:
- Unexplained loss of $406,784.95 from GBNT accounts
- Reason for this has been requested from the treasurer and was ignored.
- Violation of GBNT Bylaws
- Removal of two directors without the required "unanimous vote," in violation of Article V, Section 2a.
- Violation of Article V, Section 2b, excusing the treasurer from more than six regularly-scheduled meetings.
- Failure to follow Robert's Rules of Order as outlined in Section 3.
- Violation of "Robert's Rules of Order"
- Motions tabled until the next scheduled meeting were appoved in a closed-door session without consent of the membership. ($8k printer purchase was agreed to be tabled until the next meeting, $3k night vision goggles were not voted or passed.)
- Preferential and prejudicial treatment of select GBNT members
- Illegal revocation of members, locking them out of the club without cause
- Board of Directors voting on hearsay statements and fining/evicting members without due process
- Election of "preferred" board members outside of the appropriate election process
- Improper handling and communication of Violations Committee recommendations. Recommendations from the committee were changed before submission to the BOD for vote without the consulation of the committee
- Failure to uphold fiduciary responsibilties.
Agenda of the meeting:
Discussion and vote upon removing Connie Cathcart as Vice President & Violations. Good cause: Reason 4 above as the Violations Director and Liasion. As well as 3a, which was specified by this Director to circumvent the interest and wishes of the park membership.
Discussion and vote upon removing Peggy Fitzwater as Treasurer and Bingo Director. Good cause: Reason 2b, forfeiting board position due to lack of attendance at required meetings.
Discussion and vote upon removing Bill Ritchie as President. Good cause: as the President of the board, the above-mentioned reasons for the meeting are the direct responsibility of the President. Reason 2 is the direct responsibility of the President.
Discussion and vote upon removing Rita Tuck as Activities Director. Good cause: Reason 2 above, including but not limited to 2a for her involvement in the improper removal of two directors.