GBA Building Concerns

The Golden Belt Artists (hereinafter referred to as "GBA") are a dynamic group of talented artists which are truly excited to be a part of the Golden Belt community. However, there are several issues which have developed since taking occupancy of the studio spaces which need the immediate attention of both Edgemont Tenant and Scientific Properties. These issues are of paramount concern to the GBA tenants as they not only impact our personal safety but that of the safety of our furnishings, equipment and impact the livelihood of our businesses. To wit: 1. Wireless Internet Access - as of July 29, 2008, the Artist building still does not have wireless internet access which was to be provided by Scientific Properties. Assurances were made by Scientific Properties and their representatives that there would be no more than a one week delay from the date of initial occupancy (i.e. July 17, 2008). Immediate access needs to be granted to all tenants in the building. 2. Door adjustments - all tenant doors need to be adjusted so that the sliding doors completely close. Many tenants have been informed that these doors can be adjusted with a simple fix by replacing the wooden block at the top of the rail with a rubber stopper type object which will serve two goals. One: the doors will now close completely which will provide the much needed protection of each studio and Two: the stability of the studio walls will be greatly enhanced as they will be less likely to crack under the continued stress they are currently under. This issue needs to be resolved in the next 10 business days. 3. Door "hasps" - all tenant door hasps need to be replaced with sturdier hasps and provide an interior door "lock" as well. The current hasp is inadequate protection for the type of work and belongings that are stored in the GBA building. This is a very reasonable request and the replacement parts are mere dollars at such hardware stores as Lowe's or Home Depot. Furthermore, interior door locks need to be installed on all doors as tenants working late at night need to feel secure in their own studios and the current arrangement provides for no such security. This issue needs to be resolved in the next 5 business days. We appreciate Edgemont Tenant and Scientified Properties working with the GBA's to address these issues quickly and with mutual satisfaction on both sides. Thank you. The Golden Belt Artists