Reject Cramer Woods Enclave Rezoning Request

Update May 3, 2018, 8:00pm: Tonight the Gastonia Planning Commission voted to deny Live Well Homes' rezoning request for The Enclave development. Thanks to everyone who attended the meeting in person or who signed the online petition. The developer will likely appeal to City Council, so there may be one more vote before this decision is final. More details will be posted when available.
LiveWell Homes, the developer of Enclave at Cramer Woods, is requesting to rezone a portion of the development from RS-12 to RS-8. The lots would be resized from 90' to 60' wide and there would be 3 homes built in place of every 2 as originally planned.
Location of Enclave at Cramer Woods
Proposed site plan: https://imgur.com/rHIhcxs
The area in red would be changed to increase the density of future homes built here.
This will impact 3 main areas:
1) Increased Traffic! Stowe Road and Huffstetler Road, Cramer Woods, Tomshire Estates, Cramerton Middle School, New Hope Elementary School will be affected by this change.
2) Our schools are at capacity now. How will they handle the related increase of students?
3) Public Services: Fire, Police, EMS, Water and Sewer. We want to make sure we have the infrastructure to handle this change.
Please consider attending the rezoning meeting to voice your concerns. The City of Gastonia typically approves rezoning requests like this unless there is significant support against it. The rezoning meeting is on May 3 at 5:30 PM at Gastonia City Hall.