Stop The Rezoning of Garden Ridge Elementary
GRE Parents 0

Stop The Rezoning of Garden Ridge Elementary

55 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
GRE Parents 0 Comments
55 people have signed. Add your voice!
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Adam B. signed just now

Parents and students of Garden Ridge Elementary request that the LISD School Board approve FMHS zoning proposal 1 and reject proposal 2. Of the two proposals under consideration, only proposal 1 achieves the stated goals of the rezoning process. Rezoning goals 1. Alleviate overcrowding at McKamy MS. 2. Increase enrollment at Forestwood MS. 3. Prepare Shadow Ridge MS for anticipated future growth. Proposal 2 fails to meet these goals for the following reasons: - Alleviates less overcrowding at McKamy MS than proposal 1. 80 additional students remain at MMS under prop 2. - Moves fewer students to Forestwood MS than proposal 1. 144 fewer students move to FMS under prop 2. - Creates less room for future growth at SRMS than proposal 1. 64 additional students remain at SRMS under prop 2. The goals and projected enrollments of the rezoning committee make the correct choice obvious and clear. The numbers show that option 1 addresses the core issue of overcrowding at McKamy MS, and option 2 simply does not. The students currently zoned for Garden Ridge Elementary should not be asked, now for the 5th time since this school was opened, to rezone to a different middle school to alleviate a problem better addressed in another part of our district. We certainly should not be asked to do so simply because our relatively small numbers make it expedient to do so. As a parent or student of GRE Elementary, I request that the LISD School Board make the correct choice, and approve zoning proposal 1, as it is the only proposal which corrects the core enrollment issues at FMHS feeder schools. Current and Projected Enrollment Figures Current (as of 11/9/12) McKamy-- 1154 SRMS-- 805 FMS-- 637 Proposal 1 (Keeps GRE @ SRMS) McKamy—897 SRMS-- 533 FMS-- 1056 Proposal 2 (Moves GRE to FMS) McKamy-- 977 SRMS-- 597 FMS-- 912


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