Future of MCH

We the undersigned are opposed to the proposal to dissolve Manchester Community Health, and to divide community health services in
We believe that to transfer most community health services to the acute hospital trusts and primary care mental health teams to the Manchester Mental Health & Social Care Trust (MMH&SCT) will be a backward step. It risks reducing the quality, accessibility and development of local community and primary health care services. The acute trusts do not know fully how community health services are provided. No details of how the acute trusts would develop community health services, guarantee quality, or engage with staff have been given. Fears of asset stripping have been widely expressed. The proposal would introduce geographical and organisational boundaries between communities and services in the city of
We believe the decision has been driven by the requirement to make 30% management cost savings rather than the needs of patient-centred services. It has been taken in a dangerously short time.
The organisation proposed to employ staff in health promotion services - such as stop smoking, mental health promotion, physical activity, cancer and heart disease prevention, sexual health - is not based in Manchester.
Even if clinical jobs are protected, the jobs of staff who provide crucial support to frontline staff will be threatened.
No alternative options have been put to service users or staff, and other stakeholders. Consultation has been offered only on how to implement it and not on the decision itself.
We believe:
1. That
2. We should have the opportunity to put our objections to the Strategic Health Authority (NHS North West) and to Manchester City Council Overview and Scrutiny Committee (which can refer matters to the Health Secretary if they decide consultation has been inadequate or if proposals are not in the best interests of local people).
3. The MCC Overview and Scrutiny Committee should refer the proposal to the Independent Reconfiguration Panel (which advises the Health Secretary on contested proposals for reconfiguration of NHS services).