Funding for Continuous Glucose Monitors
Hannah Brownell 0

Funding for Continuous Glucose Monitors

85 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
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85 people have signed. Add your voice!
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I am on a mission to do my part in persuading the Ontario Health Care System and Government to provide adequate funding for diabetics using Continuous Glucose Monitors (CGMs).

Diabetics using an insulin pump can apply for the Assistive Devices Program to receive $2400 a year toward pump supplies. This amount barely covers the cost of infusion sets, insulin reservoirs, skin prep supples, and the other various things one needs to maintain their insulin pump therapy. Continuous Glucose Monitors are NOT covered under this amount.

Medtronic CGMs cost $325/box of 5 sensors. Each sensor lasts 5-6 days. This means that ONE BOX lasts roughly ONE MONTH. Including the initial cost of the transmitter itself, this means that one could pay close to $5000 a year on a device that works with the insulin pump to help diabetics control their blood sugars in a more precise way.

Not only do CGMs help to prevent highs and lows in the diabetics using them, they also give peace of mind to the parents and families providing care for their young diabetics. The use of a CGM could mean getting a good night's sleep instead of waking up every 2 hours to check a toddler's blood sugar. The CGM helps to eliminate the fear of Hypoglycaemic Unawareness. It also allows for lower HbA1C levels (an average reading of blood sugars over a 3 month period). Having a low HbA1C leads to fewer complications, many of which can cause nerve damage, reduced vision, organ failure and slower healing.

Please, please take a few seconds to sign the petition. Hopefully we can make a change to the funding that diabetics receive sooner rather than later!

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