FUA 2024 Graduation and Diploma Fee
This petition is in resistance to the €100 fee without which students will be excluded from both the graduation ceremony and the ability to receive the respective diploma.
With this petition we are asking to receive our diplomas without payment, with or without the ceremony.
If you would like to join this petition, we ask that you follow these guidelines…
1. Keep this petition confidential until the release date. Before approaching staff, organization and preparation is pivotal.
2. Only the organizers of the petition will approach staff. To make this more effective, we ask that other unrelated complaints be brought to staff at a separate time.
3. The payment is due May 5th. If you would like to sign the petition, please complete this form BEFORE APRIL 26TH.
4. We ask you to write your name and program for best effectiveness. If you are not comfortable to do so, there is an option to sign anonomously.