Fr. Aidan Troy Campaign
Seán Doran 0

Fr. Aidan Troy Campaign

554 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Seán Doran 0 Comments
554 people have signed. Add your voice!
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To Fr. Patrick Duffy, Fr. Gary Donegan, Fr. Thomas Scanlon, Fr. Frank Keevins and Fr. Brian D'Arcy Respected Clergy, We, the undersigned, strongly protest your decision to move Fr. Aidan Troy from Holy Cross Retreat at this time. Fr Troy and his colleague Fr Gary Donegan have been exceptional advocates for parishioners in Holy Cross since they took up post in the Parish. Along with Fr Gary, Fr Troy has supported local people to the highest level, particularly during very distressing and difficult times. Fr Troy has also been one of the main instigators for positive change and continues to spearhead many community focussed initiatives so that the lives of local people can be made better. One such initiative is the issue of suicide which continues to blight communities across Ireland such as Ardoyne. We believe that moving Fr Troy at this time would have a detrimental impact on the Holy Cross Parish and, indeed, right across the wider North Belfast / Belfast community. At present he is one of the main drivers for positive change, not least with issues such as cross community dialogue and the equality and human rights of all individuals. The Ardoyne community continues to rely on his input and experience to engage others to bring about the change our community needs. We call upon the above listed members of the Provincial to review their decision so that Fr Troy can remain with the parishoners of Holy Cross, a desire he himself has expressed. Whilst we understand that it is necessary to deploy the skills and experience of priests in other areas, we feel that moving Fr Troy at this time is not the right decision for the Parish. Sincerely, The Undersigned

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