From Drama club to Theatrical society

We the members of the current Marshfield High School Drama Club believe that changing our title to the Marshfield High School Theatrical Society would be beneficial to the students and advisors involved, and the community as a whole. The word "drama" has a cultural connotation of "a way of relating to the world in which a person consistently overreacts to or greatly exaggerates the importance of benign events". This description does not accurately describe our members and we no longer wish to be associated with it. By changing our title we are reclaiming all aspects of theater that previously was just seen as acting, which includes but is not limited to set, costumes, lighting, and sound. Along with the previously mentioned issues with our current title, the undertone of the word club implies a level of commitment that is not consistent with that of our program. We are also requesting that the nameplate on Ms. Scanlan's classroom be changed from "drama" to "theater". The continuity from the name of the club to the name of her classroom we believe to be necessary for ease of the student body.
Thank you very much for taking the time to consider this matter which we deem greatly important.