Frequent psychological testing/higher qualifications for our officers
Rashanay Tate 0

Frequent psychological testing/higher qualifications for our officers

20 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Rashanay Tate 0 Comments
20 people have signed. Add your voice!
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Pscycholgical exams are already a requirement to become an officer, but this petition is to make psychological testing more frequent. Especially when officers may have dealt with situation that might be damaging to their mental stability. As we all know should know, but many may not realize being an officer is not an easy job at all. Intervening in citizens lives, dealing with horrific incidents, while running 12hr shifts can be hard on person psychologically . Not only do they deal with our lives but after their shifts they go home to their families to. Its hard to leave those type of incidents behind you. Brave (American) men and women step up in law enforcement positions and pledge to protect and serve their communities.

Aside from their mental health, we have to make sure these officers are qualified to hold those position starting with training in police academy. Officers SHOULD NOT be trained to kill American citizens. They are armed with 4 to 5 weapons on their belt. The last weapon drawn should be a gun , and if it is required to use a firearm, officers should be trained to incapacitate a suspect. Reasons for killing a civilian are not justified by a suspect resisting arrest. These incidents should never occur. The only way to limit civilian fatality is to have a better approach of policing. We as tax paying citizens , pay for our police officers to serve and protect our communities and when they fail to do that . It is our fault as American citizen for not holding them to those standards that we set.

In light of the recent slaying against citizens and officers, we sign this petition in support of frequent psychological examinatons, higher qualifications such as , more extensive training in situation descalation, as well as having a degree of knowledge in law outside of police academy. Thank you!

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