Free Speech for TORY BOWEN and All Sexual Assault Survivors

BREAKING NEWS - October 2008 We are waiting to hear back from the US Supreme Court. Please sign the petition! SIGN UP FOR PAVE NEWS TO KEEP UPDATED, EMAIL: newsletter@pavingtheway.net 01/04/2008 Lancaster Prosecuters dismiss the case! This news just broke and we are working on an action plan...stay tuned! Read More... http://www.journalstar.com/articles/2008/01/04/news/local/doc477e5a9890a20340997050.txt OCTOBER NEWS - Attorney Wendy Murphy files in Federal Court on Tory's behalf, answer expected soon! SEPT 21 NEWS - Sen Ernie Chambers Files Suit Against God in Response to Rape Case http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20070918/ap_on_fe_st/odd_suing_god_4 SEPTEMBER 10 ANNOUNCEMENT - Federal Court Filed in Tory Bowen case- The lawsuit, filed Thursday in U.S. District Court in Lincoln, names Lancaster County Judge Jeffre Cheuvront as defendant. http://www.journalstar.com/articles/2007/09/08/news/local/doc46e1ded8d171c049371995.txt NATIONAL EMERGENCY PROTEST "Call it RAPE!" - HUGE SUCCESS!! On July 17, PAVE: Promoting Awareness, Victim Empowerment reached out to organizations and citizens across the nation. America was united from Albany, NY to Beverly Hills, CA to protest the silencing of rape victims. FEATURED ON THE TODAY SHOW 7/19: http://video.msn.com/v/us/msnbc.htmg=96f5eb09-71fe-46b5-a931-60f08c5da6b5&f=05&fg=rss CNN: Watch CNN- http://www.cnn.com/video/#/video/living/2007/07/10/digiacomo.ne.rape.censored.trial.ketv URGENT - Judge declares mistrial due to our free speech to protest his unconstitutional ruling! You must join us at the county courthouse - it is up to us to be the voice for all who have been silenced by violence! Last month, Lancaster, NE County District Judge Jeffre Cheuvront barred the words "rape", "sexual assault nurse examiner" and "sexual assault kit." In the sexual assault survivor Tory Bowen's opinion, Cheuvront's ruling means she will have to lie on the witness stand. "The word "sex" implies consent," she said. "I never once would describe (what happened) as sex. He's making me commit perjury." We need to amend Nebraska law, currently it reads: Section 27-403 Rule 403. Exclusion of relevant evidence; reasons. Although relevant, evidence may be excluded if its probative value is substantially outweighed by the danger of unfair prejudice, confusion of the issues, or misleading the jury, or by considerations of undue delay, waste of time, or needless presentation of cumulative evidence. **End this travesty of justice!! Give survivors free speech on the witness stand to testify the truth! Please sign and forward to your friends! RECENT MEDIA COVERAGE: http://www.journalstar.com/media/view/mid=M469559f972e8f Follow Link to Watch Video: http://www.journalstar.com/media/view/mid=M4692be5f3eb8a Click on the right side video screen - "War Over Words in Sexual Assault Trial" http://www.kolnkgin.com/ Front Page Coverage: http://www.omaha.com/index.phpu_page=2798&u_sid=10073793 NE NPR: http://www.publicbroadcasting.net/nprn/news.newsmainaction=article&ARTICLE_ID=1111288 Group to protest ban on word 'rape' in sex assault trial By CLARENCE MABIN / Lincoln Journal Star Saturday, Jul 07, 2007 http://journalstar.com/articles/2007/07/07/news/local/doc46903a86be970690791179.txt Rape victim advocates plan rallies in Lincoln BY PAUL HAMMEL, WORLD-HERALD BUREAU July 7, 2007 http://www.omaha.com/index.phpu_page=2798&u_sid=10072432 ***NOTE: You DO NOT have to donate to ipetition, you are automatically taken to a donation page after you sign. These donations DO NOT go to PAVE. Your signature will be recorded. THANKS