Free Maxwell - petition aimed to the Consulate of Swaziland in Copenhagen, Denmark

We encourage every student in Denmark and others who share our demand that Maxwell Dlamini should be set free to sign this petition. The signatures will be given to the Consulate of Swaziland, Copenhagen Denmark. The petition will run until September 5th 11 pm.
Also everyone is welcome to our solidarity event at Aarhus University September 5th, 7 pm (https://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=275795255780201&ref=ts)
- Background -
In Denmark students don't fear police, politicians or others when engaging in student politics. That’s not the case everywhere in the world. One grim example of this is Maxwell Dlamini’s history. Maxwell is a young man living in Swaziland. He was detained on April 12th on false accusations that he was in possession of explosives, yet it is clear that his detention arose from his active involvement in fighting for student rights against a scholarship policy that the Swazi government drafted independently without the input of students whose futures are at stake.
- About the Global Day of action To Free Maxwell -
We (International Student Movement - Africa) call on all progressive organizations, youths and concerned people around the world to march to Swaziland embassies/consulates on September 5th 2011 in their region to add their voices to demand the immediate release of Maxwell Dlamini and all political prisoners. Read more here: (http://ism-global.net/global_action_day_sept5)
- Initiators –
The National Union of
Students in Denmark (www.dsfnet.dk)
The Student Council at
Aarhus University (www.sr.au.dk)