Chigz Odedra 0

Save the Ehaus RAs

350 signers. Add your name now!
Chigz Odedra 0 Comments
350 signers. Almost there! Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

We, the residents of Ehringhaus, hereby sign this petition in support of all of the Resident Advisors who recently lost their jobs. We recognize that to be fired, they must have failed in their duties. But we also recognize their value and importance to fostering the strong sense of community that has made Ehringhaus residence hall such a fantastic place to live in this year. All of the RAs, whether fired or not, have played an enormous role in molding our First Year Experiences to be the best that we could possibly have imagined or wanted. We ask the higher ups of Carolina Housing to acknowledge our voice as they appeal their terminations. Ultimately, Housing is here to serve the residents, and firing these RAs will undermine our needs. How can we call ourselves a community, if our mentors are taken away from us? How can the mistakes of a few outweigh the needs of the many? When residents make a mistake, we are expected to learn from it. Why can't that same expectation be asked of our RAs? Thank you for considering this petition as a symbol of our support for our beloved Resident Advisors.

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