Freedom for Families

The face of the American family has changed dramatically over the decades, but there is one thing that has not changed; the faces of the children within these homes. Too many women and children are living in poverty, with more and more men joining them. The child support system was implemented as a way to bring mothers and their children out of the welfare system and out of poverty. It has turned into a way for governments to make massive profits, and is not supporting the children of this nation, as its name claims. The system is filling our courts, jails, and probation offices with men who can't pay, thus leaving a generation of children without fathers, fathers without children, and mothers with no support. The traditional gender roles of our society dictate that it is man who is responsible for the financial security of his children, and woman who is responsible for the mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual security of herself and her children. As far as I can see, male or female, we should all be equally responsible for all aspects of the support that our children need. The child support system perpetuates the idea that man is needed for little more than his money and offers little or no education or direction on how to be a good father. I propose that the child support system encourage placement arrangements that are fifty/fifty. These arrangements will lower support orders, increase quality/quantity time between fathers and children, and give mothers more time and opportunity to explore options to better the future for herself and her children. Join with me in what I feel has the power to move a nation of mommies and daddies to work as one unit rather than two separate. This will bring up a generation of children who may better be able to combat the poverty, violence, oppression, and discrimination that generations before them have remained paralyzed by.