Antonio West 0

Freedom for Shaneen Allen

54 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Antonio West 0 Comments
54 people have signed. Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

Shaneen Allen is a single mother of two boys from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

She was arrested October 1, 2013 in New Jersey during a routine traffic stop in which she provided the officer with her concealed weapons license and informed him that she indeed had her pistol in her possession.

She has no criminal record and works two jobs. The main reason she bought the gun and got her CWL is because she was a victim of two robberies while traveling home at night.

This lady was not harming anyone and she wasn't in the act of committing a crime. She was just protecting herself from a third attack.

Please sign this petition and let's demand Governor Christopher James Christie to commute Ms. Allen like he did Brian Aitken in 2010

This would be greatly appreciated.

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