Freedom And Security

My suggestion is three agencies on the state level that will act as the three branches of American government except for guns. They will also use checks and balances to prevent corruption. One agency will check on current or future gun owners and their criminal/mental backgrounds. Another agency will keep track of current gun owners adding or taking off names as necessary (this does not require you to register your guns only that you own a gun). The final branch is used to maintain sales of such guns to qualified owners and only them while also making sure said owners take proper safety precautions to keep guns from being misused. This solution will create jobs, help positively stimulate the economy, and maintain both freedom and security. Note: This system is in place on the federal level this petition is a suggestion to bring this system to the state level to allow states to handle this according to their situations (in ex. florida has rural areas and looser gun laws in effect while chicago is a city with stricter gun laws). Decisions made by the agencies that will affect the public will be discussed with the civilian element. The only part of this petition that will change the system (besides moving it to the state level) is allowing the state agencies to know if your guns are placed in a gun safe or properly stored (this does not mean that they will be allowed to search your property without permission they may only to ask you if you properly store your guns).