Journalists for the release of Dawit Isaak, Martin Schibbye and Johan Persson

The two Swedish freelance journalists, Johan Persson and Martin Schibbye have been in jail since June accused of terrorism by the Ethiopian regime. The Swedish freelance journalist Dawit Isaak has been, without trial, during ten years imprisoned by the Eritrean regime. Freedom of press is the most important tool against injustice in the world. The Swedish government needs to act now! We, the journalists undersigned, demand by the Swedish government to openly show their support for the important job that freelance journalists, such as Dawit Issak, Johan Persson and Martin Schibbye are conducting. The government must take their responsibility and act in favour of their civil rights as investigating journalists. Our demands in cooperation with the network Free the Swedish Journalists Johan Persson & Martin Schibbye are as follows: 1) This matter must be dealt with as a political issue and not as a consular issue- as it is done today. 2) Carl Bildt and Swedish Prime Minister Fredrik Reinfeldt ought to comment upon these issues and make demands on Dawit, Johan and Martin's immediate release. 3) The Swedish Government must bring the matters to an international level. The list of names in the petition will be sent to Carl Bildt, the Swedish Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Swedish Government