Free Cove Guardian Erwin Vermeulen.

On Friday December 16th Cove Guardian Erwin Vermeulen was arrested in Taiji, Japan, while attempting to take photos of Risso’s dolphins being transferred from holding pens in the sea to the Dolphin Resort Hotel. Police claim Erwin shoved a Hotel employee, Erwin denies using violence.
The arrest seemed pre-planned. No witnesses saw Erwin shove the employee
and Erwin was not even questioned. The police simply approached him and took
him away. Out of compassion for the dolphins being slaughtered in Taiji, Erwin
Vermeulen travelled to Japan at his own expense to devote his time and energy
to the Cove Guardian mission.
The Cove Guardians are in Taiji to document the annual Dolphin
Please do sign/share the petition below demanding his Immediate release, and let the Minister of Foreign Affairs in the Netherlands know that they must do something to get Erwin Free!
Please email your messages and photos of support for Erwin to freeerwinvermeulen@gmail.com. You can be as creative as you want. Upon his release, whenever that might be, Sea Shepherd South Africa with the help of chapters all over the world will hand over all your personal messages to him.
Thank you,
Jos Deleij
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