Give Brandon Bolding A Re-Trial

For everyone who honestly knows Brandon Bolding, then you would know that he would never force anything on anyone. Brandon Bolding does everything he can for everyone. He is a "gentle Giant". The true story should be heard in Brandon's defense, he does not deserve this treatment. He is NOT a criminal, and most defiantly not a sex offender. He is only 19 years old and he will have to live with being shunned by local communities for the rest of his life. This social shame has been brought upon him by a spoiled brat who didn't want to be grounded for sneaking out. Brandon would NEVER push himself onto a thirteen year old girl, or anyone for that matter. She should be ashamed for accusing him of such a terrible thing. We believe that Brandon deserves a re-trial with testimony's from family and friends. Including some of the young girls' OWN FRIENDS.