Free Egyptian blogger Alaa Abd El Fattah

Free Alaa Abd El Fattah Alaa Abd El Fattah is an Egyptian blogger and one of Egypt's most prominent revolutionaries. He has been taken into custody by the country's military rulers. Alaa Abd El Fattah was arrested on Sunday 30 October 2011 on charges of inciting violence against the military. He refused to answer questions because of his opposition to civilians being tried before military courts. Presidential candidate Abdel Moneim Aboul Fotouh condemned the detention as "a major setback for the Egyptian revolution", while a number of campaign groups – including the influential 6 April movement – immediately declared a policy of total non-co-operation with army prosecutors, putting them on a guaranteed collision course with the ruling generals (The Guardian, 31 October 2011) . Please sign the petition to declare that you want Alaa Abd El Fattah to be freed as soon as possible. Shahrzad News initiated this petition as a defender of independent media and human rights. Shahrzad News is based in the Netherlands. The signatures will be presented to the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs. See for more information: http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2011/oct/31/egyptian-junta-arrests-revolutionary-fattah http://www.amnesty.org.uk/news_details.asp?NewsID=19779