Free Prada Basset - Return her to her Pack

Prada Basset, is one of the well known and much loved trio of the Bentley, Gucci and Prada too Facebook Blog where they have a collective 583,000 group member audience that used to read about her daily giving much pleasure to countries all over the world far and wide.
Currently her location is with an ex partner that has chosen to for her own selfish reasons split the Basset pack and is holding on to Prada. We must put them back together for Prada’s own welfare as well as the happiness of all of the Bassets from her pack.
Myself Mark, purchased Prada with a bank transfer direct to the breeder following a 10% deposit on the 26/08/2021 and I also have Prada triple registered and also microchipped in my own name with all proof available. Her medical insurances as with both Bentley and Gucci are also in my name and currently Prada has a damaged tail which needs urgent attention of which my ex partner has no insurance and no funds to care for Prada to her breed specific needs.
Please reunited these Bassets and show your support by signing a petition to show as fellow basset owners that you believe in your hearts that these three need to be together so that their adventures may continue.
We finally have a court date now of the 15/09/2022 and this petition will be getting used as will the comments to show whomever the judge is that probably won’t know the characteristics of Basset Hounds how they are or feel, so please leave a comment of your opinions on how these pack hounds suffer detrimentally when split up for any reason, let alone one as pointless and petty as this. I read each and everyone and will ensure this is submitted to show where Prada should be
Regards and much gratitude for you support.
(admin and creator of Bentley, Gucci & Prada too)