Free our Oceans
Chris Wells 0

Free our Oceans

59 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Chris Wells 0 Comments
59 people have signed. Add your voice!
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Sir David Attenborough is at the forefront of enviromental awareness,his voice is the only voice heard above the voices of politicians .
I plan to collect enough signatures to pass on the petition to Sir David as I am not a person to stand by and watch our seas destroyed by the action of man.
We are polluting ,systematically destroying ecosystems by overfishing when there are other methods that are sustainable.
Because of our actions we really are facing disaster as a race our actions are perilous.
Please find time to sign as the future of our planet is under threat from us if we don't act.
Sea levels are rising causing a drop in oxygen levels in our oceans ,plastic is polluting our food chain supermarkets and agriculture are using fish for fertiliser a super trawler catches 400 tons of fish in one net they are at sea for four days the math is astounding whole food chains are at risk.
Please help before it's too late for your children to enjoy our Oceans.

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