Keeleigh Donkervoort 0

Free Menstrual Products Across Campus

60 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
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60 people have signed. Add your voice!
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The Wellness Student Representative Council at Mohawk wants to advocate to have free menstrual products available across campus, but we need your support.

Plan Canada’s 2019 Gender Study shared that 68 per cent of women in Canada felt that their period prevented them from full participation in an activity. 63 per cent of women and girls have regularly or occasionally missed an activity because of their period and concerns about not being able to access menstrual hygiene products or proper facilities. The number was higher for women under 25 years of age, with 70 per cent refraining from participation.

It is also estimated that Canadians who menstruate typically spend up to $6,000 in their lifetime on menstrual hygiene products. And those who live in more remote, rural and northern communities can expect to pay double the price for the same products found in larger urban communities. The report also noted that 34 per cent of women and girls have had to regularly or occasionally sacrifice something else within their budget to afford menstrual products.

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