Free Ibrahim K. Saleh
Fozia Hussein 0

Free Ibrahim K. Saleh

202 signers. Add your name now!
Fozia Hussein 0 Comments
202 signers. Almost there! Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

Ibrahim K. Saleh has been charged with first degree murder. The incident occured when Micheal Haynes argued with Ibrahim over the price of condoms. He then became angry and started to knock down merchandise as he was existing. He then turned back again and knocked some more merchandise and Ibrahim shot to scare him off and ended up injuring him in the shoulder. Micheal Haynes was then rushed to the hospital by his friends and was denied access to treatment. Ibrahim was working to support his family and did not in any way intend to kill Micheal. He is a father of a one year old and another baby on the way. If you think this was not a case of premeditated murder and that a charge of first degree murder is wrong please sign the petition ..

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