Free Boughdady & Ghandour
people have signed this petition. Add your name now!

people have signed. Add your voice!

Vote yes if you believe the university administration should:
1) Send an email to the entire community stating exactly what happened to both students within TODAY. Boghdady and Ghandour were in a peaceful protest in Mostafa el Nahas, this protest got shot and it got dispersed by tear gas bombs; following that they dispersed into other streets away from the protest and this is where they got arrested. They were not arrested in the protest or protesting, despite that they were arrested on the grounds of protesting without permission, شروع في قتل ظابط، قطع طريق ، الاعتداء على أمين شرطة وبتر إصبعه ، ومحاولة سرقة طبنجة, ; all being FALSE accusations. On the day of the verdict when calling out the verdict, the court didn't name the case number or the names of our fellow detained students, they called the verdict along with other cases of other people, meaning they didn't investigate the case giving it a separate verdict.
2) Hold a forum open to the entire community within two working days by the administration, to formulate a statement from the AUC community condemning what happened to Boghdady and Ghandour. This is to ensure that it takes place prior to the appeal proceedings which is in 9 days.
3) Take immediate action to ensure that both students' academic standing is not affected whatsoever. They are to be given their examinations whilst under arrest.
4) Finally, and most importantly, ensure that Egyptian and foreign students have equal rights to protection by the university; case in point: the 3 American students who were arrested and released after the university intervened; meaning the university should intervene to alter the verdict. Despite our awareness that that case is different but the principle is the same. This must take place ASAP because the appeal is within days.
An answer needs to be given within 48 hours; this petition is open to the ENTIRE community from faculty to students.
PS. Sign with your AUC ID in the comments box.