FREE ASSANGE Petition To President Trump
Patricia Rudy 0

FREE ASSANGE Petition To President Trump

293 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
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President Donald J. Trump

The White House

1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W.

Washington, D.C. 20500

Dear President Trump:

On behalf of those citizens who have signed this petition, I wish to request your attention to a matter that we believe is worthy of your immediate attention as you step into the Oval Office to begin your Administration as our President.

We, the undersigned, formally petition you to provide to Julian Assange, Founder and Editor-in-Chief of WikiLeaks, a FULL PARDON under your authority as President of the United States of America. In so doing, Mr. Assange would no longer be at risk of Federal prosecution for any alleged crimes charged against him by the government of the United States.

As petitioners of this document, we citizens are acting on the belief that Mr. Assange's actions in providing the disclosure of many thousands of documents pertaining to the phone calls, emails, and other actions of persons in the Government in the United States were released solely to provide the voting American public with the truth necessary for informed decisions before casting their votes for the Presidency of the United States of America in November, 2016. Indeed, Mr. Assange actually replaced the essential role of the American Press/Media who were instead occupied, as you know, with partisan interests. We wish to also bring to your attention that WikiLeaks holds a one hundred percent accuracy rate on the information that it has disclosed to date.

Yet, Mr. Julian Assange remains within the confines of the Embassy of Ecuador in London, England, UK as if he were the CRIMINAL rather than the DISCLOSER of the CRIMES. Although no one has yet been charged with the crimes committed, we believe that Mr. Assange is the man responsible for preventing a felonious criminal from taking the Oath of Office of the Presidency of the United States of America on January 20, 2017. The TRUTH revealed by his documents, combined with your efforts as an excellent candidate, have returned the American Eagle to flight once again.

You will rightfully be rewarded for your efforts on behalf of the American people when you are sworn in as our forty-fifth President of these United States. Without your agreement to provide a FULL PARDON, however, Mr. Assange will be rewarded for his efforts by languishing in confinement for the crime of MERELY TELLING THE TRUTH. As he sits within those four rooms, his children have not seen their father for far too long and his wife is certainly distraught.

Thank you for your attention to our sincere request by petition to right this wrong on behalf of Julian Assange. Because you are a man of virtue, we know you will take this action on behalf of Julian Assange, his family, and symbolically, for all those willing to sacrifice for the cause of freedom.

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