Free Aseem Trivedi of sedition charges

Amit Arvind Katarnaware an employee of Central Railway employee has filed a case against Aseem Trivedi for Cartoons like one where the activist has altered the three-lion national emblem in a satirical depiction to highlight corruption have attracted the sedition charge by the Maharashtra Police. Mr Trivedi has been remanded in police custody till September 16. This is direct assault on the Freedom of Expression. We urge the judiciary in India to apply its mind and restore Aseem Trivedi’s freedom at the same time putting punitive damages against Amit Arvind Katarnaware a resident of MS/RB II/08/02, Central Railway Colony, Sector 2, Juinagar, Navi Mumbai 400 705<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />
Please write to mr@rb.railnet.gov.in;gm@cr.railnet.gov.in;dgpms.mumbai@mahapolice.gov.in these are email address for Minster of Railway, General Manager of Central railway and DGP of Maharashtra police protesting against the conduct of Amit Arvind Katarnaware and the mumbai police who has taken away the freedom of expression guaranteed by the Constitution of India. At the same time we urge The national Human rights commission and supreme court of India to take cognize of this grave injutice and ensure that freedom of Aseem Trivedi is returned to him as given in the India constitution which give freedom of expression to everyone. The website of Aseem Trivedi blocked by the Maharashtra government should be unblocked and case register against police officer’s who have booked Aseem Trivedi under sedition charge so that an example is made out of them and they never ever overlook the rights of Individual given to all citizens of India. So often we overlook the acts of police saying that they are following order how long must we overlook the fact they carry out the orders of their master for illegal gratification and an example must be made out of these people so that they never ever make false case or arrest. A 10 day police remand was it required for Aseem Trivedi who has no previous criminal record and why did the judge grant it? For making cartoon we have to protest against this gross violation of our rights