Free Aimee Bockhol
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I want the public to know that a terrible injustice has been
done in Jefferson County, Illinois. On March 14, 2012 my daughter Aimee
was assaulted by a neighbor McKenzie Green after he broke into our
home. We called the police who came to our home, and the officer took
the word of the intruder and arrested my daughter! Aimee is 19 years
old and only weighs 105 pounds. She was only trying to defend herself
against a man who towered over her and for this SHE was arrested! Aimee
is sitting in jail to this day.
were three people in our home where this happened but the policeman
who answered the call refused to interview
any of us! The police department has yet to interview any of our
witnesses to this crime. As you can imagine, a small girl like Aimee
suffered injuries as a result of the assault, and the police officer
didn't even take pictures of her bruised face and body. A neighbor who
was standing in our yard was also a witness and saw what was happening
as McKenzie broke our door and entered the house. I had to watch
helplessly as a policeman arrested and then drove away with my little
girl, still hurting from her injuries she got when McKenzie beat her.
No one ever read Aimee her Miranda rights. Aimee has never been arrested before.
The local authorities are refusing to allow my family to file home invasion and harassment charges against McKenzie Green.
Her public
defender won't answer her letters or even to talk to her. Aimee wrote a
letter to him (the only way she can contact him from jail) asking him
to speak to me as her mother, and he didn't respond to this letter
The court has
made Aimee's bond so high that we can't pay her bond to get her out of
jail, and so she is still there. Having to sit there day after day is
very frightening for all of us...especially for Aimee. The Jefferson
County state's attorney knows there is exactly no evidence to hold her,
and insists on trying this case. There can be no evidence because Aimee
was only defending herself....this man broke into OUR home! We want
accountability! We want Aimee released immediately and returned home!
The policeman who
answered the call and the sheriff's deputies have already lied in court documents.
law enforcement authorities here are very corrupt, and it's very
frightening to learn that they've done things like assaulting teens in a
group home and tazeing children...and these are the same people who now
have my daughter. I've discovered that even though lawsuits have been
filed by their victims, the police officers who have done these terrible
things and more, are still on the job have never been remanded for what
they did. They seem to think they are above the law and this is all a
funny joke.
HELP! I am demanding justice for my daughter and will post updates
here. Additionally, I'm asking for court watchers for her case. Please
let them know someone knows about this and is
attorney's name is: Bob Verhines. His phone number is: 618-244-8013.
Please call him and demand to know why he is not doing anything in this
case to free my innocent daughter.
state's attorney's name is: Darrin Rice. His phone number
is 618-244-8013 (the numbers are the same because they are all in the
same courthouse). Please ask him why a innocent girl is
sitting in jail there. There are laws in place to protect people in
their homes, but it seems in this county law enforcement and the
courts are making their own laws.
With police and courts like this in Jefferson country, no one is safe as long as they stay in their positions. How
can a
person defend themselves and feel comfortable in their own home with
people like this who are supposed to protect us but won't ?