In Support of a Franklin Sports Complex & "Central Park"
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We, a group of Franklin residents and FHS Alumni, ask you to join us in support of the following goal and to show support to elected leaders, donors, businesses and residents to bring this exciting opportunity to reality.
There has been an ongoing need for upgraded athletic facilities at the high school, especially those that need to be compliant with Wisconsin Interscholastic Athletic Association (WIAA) standards. To remedy this long-standing problem, people have come together under the organization of Citizens for Community Development (CCD). CCD is actively pursuing a public-private venture that would build a community sports complex with park features for student athletes and the greater community’s benefit.
Saber Pride is a part of the Franklin community and these facilities will unite our community. The benefit to parents, youth and senior citizens are a mutual benefit for taxpaying citizens. The complex will draw additional businesses to Franklin and provide a central gathering place to strengthen the city without the usual costs to the taxpayers. The public-private funding will allow dollars to be extended and bring Franklin residents the long overdue facilities enjoyed by surrounding communities. We believe that this project is long overdue and are wholeheartedly supportive of it.
Therefore, we the undersigned support the citizen movement in Franklin to construct a multi-recreational sports complex located in a central point with these facilities:
- A football stadium with WIAA compliant track
- A baseball stadium
- A field house for indoor sports
- An aquatics center for WIAA compliant swim meets
Alumni of Franklin High School &
Citizens for Community Development