The Down's Fall of Frankie Boyle

Comedian Frankie Boyle never ceases to amaze the public by his repetitive nasty comments and jokes about people with disabilities. On his current tour he had a run in with parents who have a daughter with down's syndrome. They were upset and hurt at the time and effort he seems to put out on making a show of disabled people. When they made him aware this he showed no remorse or heart and his reply was nothing more than that of a child. Frankie Boyle has yet again enraged the carers and sufferers of people with down's syndrome by mocking them, not only on his tour but also on his most recent DVD: Frankie Boyle Live. Because no public apology has yet been recieved is it only civil that he does so? I speak here not only for the benefit of others but for the benefit of my 1 year old son who also has down's syndrome. I know from experience that comments like this can severely distress parents of children with disabilities as they fear that more people will take this view. It is bad enough having to worry about their health never mind public humiliation. This is why I am seeing fit so start and maintain this petition. All signatures will count and be extremely appreciated.