
For too long we have suffered under the tyranny of overly-expensive, poor quality, non-sourdough pizza. Please, please stop buying pizza at Chesters. It just isn't good. There is, however, a solution. One that, as a Londoner, I know of. Franco Manca.
Franco Manca's pizza is not only delicious and nutritious, it's also cheap. Like stupidly cheap. We want, nay need, Franco Manca to open at least a single (but preferably multiple) restaurants 'up north'. We would suggest the following locations as optimal;
- Manchester Piccadilly
- Manchester University
- Fallowfield
If any representatives of Franco Manca would like to contact us (say to thank us for highlighting this incredible business opportunity) then we would gladly oblige (so long as they offer us a voucher as a reward...) :)
Please share this petition so that we can all enjoy the tasty, cheap pizza that Franco Manca has to offer. Thank You.