We the Who Dat Nation respectfully ask the NFL to cease allowing FOX Sports to cover the NFC games inclusive of the NFC Championship game. We the Who Dat Nation feel the NFL should force FOX Sports to apologize to the Who Dat Nation and the entire Nation for its obviously biased and one-sided coverage of the NFC Championship game. We the Who Dat Nation respectfully ask for the following concerns to be addressed when reprimanding FOX Sports:
• Why was it portrayed that Drew Brees was not married, the only quarterback wife we saw was Brett Favre’s?!
• Why was it portrayed that The New Orleans Saints owner was not around we only saw shots of the Minnesota Vikings owner?! Like Mr. Benson don’t have a suite @ the SUPERDOME, be real!!!
You would think the game was in Minnesota and not New Orleans. Therefore we the Who Dat Nation would beg to ask of FOX Sports since they were so concerned about Brett Farve; why didn’t they have cameras in Green Bay so the following could have been shown to the Nation:
• The pure elation and jumps of joy when Farve threw that last interception?! Rumor has it people were dancing on tables! hahaha LOL!!! I know I sure would have love to have seen it!
So instead of focusing on Bourbon Street like that’s the only place in New Orleans; FOX Sports would have had a broader since of the public’s overall opinion of the situation – Brett Farve loses, GOOD! WHO DAT?! WHO DAT?!
Please reprimand FOX Sports immediately we thank you!
Sincerely, Da WHO DAT NATION!