Put An End To Fox Hunting
Lain K 0

Put An End To Fox Hunting

369 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
369 people have signed. Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

Fox Hunting has for years threatened the lives of defenseless foxes, and the injury it causes for other other animals is threateningly high. Here\'s the scene, a mother fox has ventured out into the forest, leaving her kits nestled safely in the den. The mother pauses hearing the blare of a trumpet, and the snapping bark of a close ancestor, a canine. The fox dashes off as mounted horses are forced to follow it\'s trail. The horses stumble onward through ditches, dodging trees. A dog strays, becoming caught in barb-wire fence and bloodied, left behind to die for the chase. The other dogs have the fox cornered into a tree, the gunshot is made, and a the mother\'s bloody corpse falls to the ground... I fine trophy it made for the hunters, but the kits, still blind and helpless, have nothing. Please act against this cruel sport, Sign the petition.


This Petition is sponsered by the people at foxbeat. Created by Lain.
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