Foster & Adoptive Parents Rights

Foster and Adoptive Parents need to have \"party\" status in the courtrooms. Right now Foster and Adoptive Parents are being denied the right to petition the court to take action on their foster/adoptive care cases. Right now, Judges are making uninformed decisions because the Foster/Adoptive Parents are not being allowed to voice their concerns in the courtroom and to have those concerns noted on the record. Right now if the Case Manager, Guardian ad Litem, Juvenile County Attorney all agree with the State\'s plan, then the Judge is required to rule with the State because no one is objecting to the Case Plan. The Foster/Adoptive Parents know the children the most, and can be a strong voice for the child who is not able to speak for themselves. We need to help protect those children in the foster/adoptive care system. Help us make the Legislature to see that changes need to be made to this shaky, broken down, foster care system, and the people who know these children the most are the ones who are not being heard.