help remove vice principle **** from duty
We, the undersigned, call on the Principle of *** High School and the Superintendent of Schools to help improve the conditions at the **** High by removing **** from his position as Vice Principle.We believe that **** isn\'t doing an adequate job and feel he is hurting our youth, rather then helping them succeed to the best of there abilities! Shouldn\'t a principal of high school encourage students to finish high school and get your diploma Shouldn\'t they be there to help you succeed and accomplish your goals Let it be noted that **** discourages a certain percentage of his students from graduating, telling them its a waste of their time, that they wont amount to anything anyway! Isnt this called discrimination Let it be noted that **** degrades a certain percentage of his students by calling them vulgar names. Isnt this called slander Let it be noted that **** acts more like a Jr High student, himself, then someone who should be caring for the youth of our community!!! What are **** qualifications to be working with our youth Here are just a couple facts of his vulgarity: One day a few kids were sitting over at a certain someones house and a certain boy called **** to prove to everyone what **** had said about this certain girl. So he called **** on speaker phone and asked him what he thinks of this certain girl and **** replied, I think she\'s a little slut!!. **** once told another &certaingirl, when he was angry at her, to go sell herself in the commons area. He also told her she might as well drop out of school! Unfortunately she listened after many instances with **** and his judgements upon her. He degraded her over and over. If you agree that this is wrong, please sign this petition to help us get **** removed from his position in our school system and get someone in there that will encourage our students to succeed, not cut them down and degrade them!