Forest Hills Homeowners’ Petition To Arlington County In Opposition To Proposed Development of Club Manor Estates and South Queen Street Expansion

We, the undersigned Forest Hills homeowners, respectfully petition Arlington County to:
- Oppose the proposed development, known as the First Addition to Block 3 of Club Manor Estates;
- Oppose any related amendments to the County’s Master Transportation Plan to extend local streets through FHCA property in relationship to this proposed development; and
- Oppose any alterations to existing zoning designations on and around this proposed development site.
At Issue:
The proposed development includes the construction of 12 new townhomes. The development site, identified by Real Property Code (RPC) #38-001-039 (1.205 acres) is currently zoned R-10 (single family homes). The proposed development, adjacent and to the east of Forest Hill Community Association (FHCA) property, seeks an extension of South Queen Street through FHCA property between residences at 2413 and 2426 South Queen Street. The proposed development is not authorized under the site’s R-10 zoning designation.
In October 2013, the Arlington County Board unanimously accepted the Arlington Ridge Neighborhood Conservation Plan. This plan included specific recommendations to reject ANY up-zoning, or changes in the existing zoning designations of property in the Arlington Ridge Community Area. The proposed development of Club Manor Estates runs counter to the goals of the community conservation plan.
Any County action to to support the proposed development plan also runs counter to the Arlington County General Land Use Plan (GLUP) Policy Goal #4 to preserve existing single family home communities and densities.
Maintaining the current, well-planed zoning designations of the neighborhood will help avoid:
- Irreparable damage to the scale, character, density, aesthetics, and wooded area, tree canopy, and green spaces of the neighborhood
- Increased traffic and safety issues on an already busy, populated South Queen Street – the proposed development would approximately double the number of vehicles utilizing the Queen Street circle on a daily basis.
- Increased parking issues on an already overwhelmed South Queen Street where residents and visitors (guests and vendors) routinely struggle to find adequate parking near their homes.
- Additional strain on a sewer/storm water management system already plaguing Forest Hills owners, at the baseline of the hill where construction is proposed, with regular water damage and flooding.
- Destruction of several mature trees. The loss of this tree canopy would take several decades to mitigate.
- Destruction of FHCA common area between 2413 and 2426 South Queen Street. This valuable area has been maintained by FHCA for more than 45 years. The green space serves as a playground and gathering place and adds significantly to the value and aesthetics of the Queen Street Circle.
THEREFORE, in light of the above concerns, but not limited to these concerns, we ask Arlington County Commissioners and Arlington County Board Members to refrain from approving the proposed development of Club Manor Estates and related changes to the Master Transportation Plan and Zoning Designations. Instead, we urge the County to consider appropriate actions related to the development site at such time as a Developer submits proposed plans allowable under the current zoning designation. Furthermore, a development plan consistent with the current zoning may offer additional options for property ingress and egress to be considered at a later date. Finally, we urge special consideration be given to Tree Preservation and our Neighborhood Conservation Plan in consideration of any development proposal for this site.