Forest Avenue Sidewalk

Sign our petition if you are a registered voter in Rye!
In an effort to make pedestrian travel safer in our community as well as improve safe routes to school for our children, we propose a sidewalk along Forest Avenue between Apawamis Avenue and Manursing Avenue and along Manursing Avenue between Davis Avenue and Forest Avenue. There is a clear need for this amenity given the pedestrian traffic of the area and the heavy motor traffic patterns on the two un-sidewalked roads.
We have worked with the town since February and now ask for your support to fund a study for the 2015 or 2016 budget that will detail the cost and feasibility for a one-sided pedestrian path. We approached all the neighbors directly impacted by the proposed site of the pedestrian path and received an overwhelmingly positive response, with a small subset voicing concerns over snow removal and changes to the visual landscape of the road.
We presented the funding request at the June 10th city council meeting and the city planner and manager are now working to rank this project among all other capital improvement needs across the town. As a preliminary estimate the cost of the study could exceed $50,000, including survey of area, engineering and architect planning advice and implementation review. The next important date is August 3rd when the city planner and manager publically present their recommendation for the capital improvement projects over the next 5 years to the city council.
By signing this petition, you demonstrate your support to fund this study, which will notably define the cost and implementation options of this pedestrian path. We are hopeful our project is top priority and encourage you to let our city council representatives know of your ongoing support for this project at upcoming meetings (July 8, August 3, and August 5), through email and in personal encounters.
Thank you!