A Playground for kids age 5-12

Dear Neighbors, please sign this petition with your street name and house number behind your name (or house number and street name instead of your name if you prefer).
By signing, you are supporting the idea for the HOA to allocate some of its 2022 income to build a playground for older kids (age 5-12).
There are a few reasons why you might be interested in having the HOA build a playground:
1) You have children aged 5-12 years old OR:
2) To raise your home value for future buyers OR:
3) To see the neighborhood kids play with something else than the natural resources in the neighborhood such as bushes, trees and drainage stones OR:
4) To have less kids on the streets so you can drive in and out of the community safer.
The current tot lot on Scotch Haven Drive has great equipment for kids 2-5 years old, but does not serve the needs of older children. Children age 5-12 could also use a playground.
Did you know that the HOA can do this for us? If we get 80-100 homeowners in Country Creek to sign with their street name and housenummer, the petition will be presented at the next HOA meeting. We only need each household to sign once with their house number and street address.
Where would the playground be located you might wonder? Well, first of all, no trees would be cut for this playground nor any bushes taken away. The playground would be built around existing natural habitat. There are three potential identified lots: the grass area next to 9666 Masterworks drive, the grass area behind the nectar trail (which is on the backside of masterworks drive) and the grass area next to 2800 Kelly Square.
Thank you for considering signing this petition. For any questions or concerns, feel free to email me at jantinekonings@hotmail.com
Jantine Konings, HOA board member.