Turn Softball Field #1 into a 2nd Football Field

To make Softball Field #1 at Drakes Creek Park in Hendersonville, TN to a second Football Field. Right now Youth football in your community has only 1 football use only field for kids ages 5 - 12 to use. We use the outfield of Softball field #1 as second field but it is very awkward, it is at about a 45 degree angle which confuses some kids. Also visiting team fans have to sit on same side of fence as home team and away from their respective team and children. The visitors team bench also sits on edge of dirt infield, which if it rains it gets very muddy and you have to walk through this to get in and out of fence. We also have flag football on these fields from march through may for kids 5 - 16. One of the big selling points for flag football is all games are on Sunday afternoon. Now the Parks Department does not want us on softball field because they are trying to repair a patch of grass and they are wanting to play games on Saturday evening and some on Sunday. For kids who play soccer or baseball on saturday this is very tough for them to also play flag football on Saturday. Also this is sometimes a dangerous area because of pop fly balls coming over fence and landing in spectator area with lots of people at football field.