Football -  video technology is now a must.
Stephen Harper 0

Football - video technology is now a must.

52 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Stephen Harper 0 Comments
52 people have signed. Add your voice!
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"Football's failure to deal with the crisis of confidence in the ability of referees to survive ordeal by TV replay has now gone beyond outrage. It is perverse." James Lawton - The Independent.

There is not football fan anywhere that has not experienced the frustrations of their team being denied a goal or scoring chance by the mistakes of match officials. 
Because they only have one pair of eyes - and that we now know, is not  enough. 

We used to accept this as inevitable. We used to question our own eyes instead of those of others. And fans vented their frustration for the rest of the game on the officials. 

This is now no longer necessary. We have technology lets use it. 

To err is human, and match officials err. 

But why, when we know they make mistakes, do their employers not help them out, provide them with the tools to do their job more effciently, and keep them safe from the ire of all those who humiliate and abuse them for being human? 

In Rugby, Tennis and Cricket - the authorities have acted to support their match officials. They have cameras and sensors that aid umpires and refs alike. 

Why the men in power behind football not care? Why the blank wall of silence when action is needed? 

Bring in the use of technology. Trial sensors on the line and a mic for a fourth official, “the eye in the stands”. Give the refs all the help they deserve. And then, maybe, the referees and officials won’t feel so pressured, giving them more time to referee the game and gain the ‘respect’ that we are all told is no longer present in football. 

Once we have received sufficient signatures the petition will be submitted to the International Board (IFAB). 


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