Friends Of Marina Park
FRIENDS OF MARINA PARK (FOMP) PETITION to the City of Thunder Bay Whereas the current plans for Marina Park call for the creation of two large condominium buildings and a hotel, as well as the destruction of a considerable amount of the existing park and many other unacceptable changes, therefore, we the undersigned, request that Thunder Bay City Council rescind the Waterfront Implementation Plan and Budget that was approved on January 28, 2008. This petition will be mailed (in snail and e format) to the City of Thunder Bay by Feb 22, 2008. If you support our efforts to have Thunder Bay City Council rescind the Waterfront Implementation Plan and Budget that was approved on January 28, 2008, please add your signature below. By signing this petition you hereby declare that you are a Resident of the City of Thunder Bay, Ontario, AND that you are nineteen (19) years of age or older. Should you have any questions, please call 345-3754 for the North Ward and 475-0237 for the South Ward. Thank you for your Support, FOMP NOTE!!! PLEASE DO NOT SIGN AS \"ANONYMOUS\" or your signature will not count. Upon submitting your name you MAY be asked to Donate via PayPal. You DO NOT need to PAY any money in support of our cause. Simply CLOSE your browser. PLEASE SIGN THE PETITION ONLY ONCE, either paper copy or i-petition. DEADLINE: February 22, 2008