Follow The Mission For Full Employment Participation

The National Alliance For Full Participation (AFP) is comprised of approximately 15 founding members (nationally known organizations) who indicate: AFP is united in its commitment to the successful inclusion of people with developmental disabilities into the mainstream of American life. By bringing together the many voices in our organizations dedicated to this cause, we will work together to make this vision a reality. The AFP also has a network of state teams and the New Hampshire Alliance For Full Participation (NHAFP) was formed by People First of New Hampshire last February, 2010. The NHAFP follows the mission and the goal of doubling the employment rate for people who experience developmental disabilities by 2015. Last week, we learned that the National AFP has three founding member organizations that are not fully embracing or adhering to this mission. Such organizations continue to provide segregated, pre-vocational readiness training, and sub-minimum wages, thereby exploiting the work of people with disabilities. They are also in favor of pre-vocational training without a time limit. The NHAFP sent this message to the AFP: In reaction to the recent national concerns regarding the divide of the board of the Alliance For Full Participation (AFP) over integrated employment, the New Hampshire Alliance For Full Participation calls for the following action: The New Hampshire Alliance For Full Participation (NHAFP) request that ALL members of the board of the National Alliance For Full Participation (AFP) be dedicated to integrated work. Furthermore, the NHAFP agrees with and supports the AFP Advisory Council's request to the Alliance that the three agencies of the AFP board (NISH, The Arc of the United States, and United Cerebral Palsy) clarify why they have advocated for center-based and pre-vocational employment, given their commitment to the Alliance for Full Participation. Until such clarification is received, and ALL members of the board of the AFP are fully committed to its own mission, the NHAFP will refrain from ongoing involvement with the National Alliance For Full Participation.
All members of the board of the Alliance For Full Participation (AFP), as individuals and as reprentatives of national organizations, MUST stand by the mission for integrated employment. Just as you expect state teams to proudly follow the vision and mission of the AFP, so should ALL of the members of the board of the AFP.
Follow your own mission so that we all can continue to align ourselves together:
Alliance For Full Participation Mission:
Employment expectations for individuals with developmental disabilities will be the same as those for people without disabilities. Education settings will assist in raising these expectations by providing information, supports and job experiences to all students.
In all instances the individual will be the focus of the employment process. Discovering interests, experiences and skills are important facets of the job search. Customization, choice and individualized and natural supports help ensure job satisfaction and retention. Career development will be a consideration throughout the job process.
Employment will be in regular, competitive and inclusive employment settings. Frequent and ongoing interactions and the development of relationships are expected. Compensation will be at least minimum wage, up to the prevailing wage for the work performed. Wages and benefits will be comparable to coworkers performing similar tasks.
Those who want ALL of the AFP Board to take this stand are the following petition signers.