Susan Magers 0

Florida's Children Can't Read

169 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
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169 people have signed. Add your voice!
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Florida's Children Can't Read

No Child Left Behind became federal law in 2001. The intent was to improve education for all students. In Florida, implementing the new law ushered in a host of initiatives including school grades, standardized testing, and tying educator pay to student performance. Now, almost 20 years later, whether or not you agree with the practice of standardized testing, the data produced from those tests shows we continue to fail our students.

Florida reading proficiency rates in 2019 are shocking. Overall, 71% of third-grade students scored a three or above (proficient) on the Florida Standardized Assessment (FSA), which means more than a quarter of our students can't read.

When you look at proficiency for minority students, the rates are considerably lower. Third-grade Hispanic students have a 54% proficiency rate and black students drop to 40%.

Students with disabilities (SWD) of all ethnic backgrounds are being left behind. White (SWD) have a proficiency rate of 44%, Hispanic (SWD) 27%, and Black (SWD) 17%. The inverse of these low numbers represent thousands of students who haven't been taught to read.

By 10th grade, the percentage of proficient readers is even lower. How is it possible so many of our children are graduating from high school with standard diplomas but they are not able to read?

Currently, there is a narrative to blame the lack of progress on Covid-19. The many years of demonstrated failure makes this a baseless argument.

We are asking State officials to look at the decades of reading research and mandate solutions that are proven to work. According to Florida education professionals, students report they much prefer to learn how to read from a caring teacher rather than spending countless hours on digital learning programs. We support every Florida teacher having access to the latest professional development in the science of reading and the tools to implement systematic, explicit reading instruction in their classroom.

Stop promoting students from grade to grade who have not demonstrated mastery of the standards without providing remediation for the missing skills. Children all learn differently and schools need to provide a variety of methods and opportunities to make education accessible to every child.


Please sign & share this petition demanding all of our children be taught to read. Share this petition with family, friends and all other people who feel a public school education matters.

#NeverIEPAlone #NoReadFlorida #ReadingisthePriority #NumbersDontLie #TruthinData #FixtheBrokenSystem #ReadingisFundamental #ESEFailure

The petition will be presented to the Florida Commissioner of Education.

Email the Florida Commissioner of Education with the subject Teach Our Children to Read to share your story and express your concerns:

Please copy on your email. Your voice will make the difference for our children.

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