Adopt Florida Senate's Position for Waiver Funding for DD

To the Legislators of Florida, A Statement of Appreciation and Advocacy on Behalf of People with Developmental Disabilities We the undersigned wish to express our appreciation for the courageous work done by members of both houses in the current session of the Florida legislature. We are particularly grateful for the leadership of Sen. Joe Negron and Rep. Matt Hudson in moving forward appropriations that preserve a decent modicum of services for those least able to help themselves. We have some understanding of the great pressures and conflicts that our legislators contend with as they struggle to resolve a budget that best serves all Floridians. As you work to resolve your budget differences, we strongly urge you to keep faith with Florida’s citizens with disabilities and the tens of thousands of those who love and support them. We are at a critical point, morally as well as financially. For generations civic virtue has been defined by the quality of care afforded to our most vulnerable citizens. Your actions in the coming stressful days are an opportunity to make a clear statement about just what kind of a people we are. Please adopt the Senate position for Waiver funding to provide adequate resources for people with developmental disabilities to live frugal but dignified lives. Respectfully submitted,